D&d 5e undead race
D&d 5e undead race

d&d 5e undead race

Instead you have to be repaired, which equates to spending HD during a rest. Healing also becomes tricky (a common theme for most undead) as you cannot be healed through resting or magic. That’s kind of bland but also incredibly powerful. The Bound Spirit is a nifty idea as your soul (or conscienceless) is put into a construct body, typically a suit of armor. You’re not quite as cool as a Helmed Horror but you do get resistance to piercing and slashing damage, as well as immunity to critical hits (!). Some of the undead work better than others. Since most undead don’t really have their own culture, the lore sections explain how a PC could be transformed into their new undead incarnation, and how those creatures typically live out their questionable existence. “Undead Races” is a short, 10-page booklet that devotes about 1 page for lore, and 1 page for stat block to each race. They’re designed for existing player characters to transition into should they die, as an alternative means to resurrection. “ Undead Races” provides four playable undead races: Bound Spirits, Vampires. Undead player characters aren’t unheard of, but they’re a tricky thing to balance, especially when it comes to healing. In most D&D campaigns the undead serve as antagonists, either through the usual fodder of skeletons and zombies to cut through, or as big bad liches, vampires, and death knights.

D&d 5e undead race